
Ahmed Nashabe
Amy Wheelhouse
Ben Oren
Ian Anderson
Jasper St Aubyn West
Matt Crump
Matt Kelly
Raoul Teague
Rob Conn
Ross MacPherson
Steve Leacey
Tim Schultz
Tom Roohan
Victor Bandeira
Zenon Kohler


Mike Lange
Michael Thomas
|Heath Plumb

The Double-Blind Experiments is a collective of VFX artists and motion designers with diverse creative backgrounds including visual effects, animation, filmmaking, photography, illustration and graphic design. Following the success of Double-Blind No.1, 15 artists and 3 sound designers, mostly from Cutting Edge or talented freelancers who often work with Cutting Edge, collaborated to create the second edition of this experiment.

The sound designers crafted a bed of eclectic sound and composition which was then cut into clips of varying lengths before being randomly distributed to the artists.

For the artists, this experiment consisted of only two rules:

  1. Take inspiration from the randomly supplied sound clip.

  2. Create a visual representation of this sound, beginning and ending with a circle of a predetermined size… fill the space between two circles.

The result is this incredible addition to The Double-Blind Experiments.

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point.


The Design Conference Titles